Saturday 12 November 2011

How to Grow Taller After Puberty

The question that seems to be asked by almost everyone today is whether or not gain height after puberty can become a reality. You too may want to find out how to grow taller after puberty.

Puberty is the time when there are lots of changes taking place in the body. These changes can take place on the inside and on the outside. Your body grows a lot faster during puberty because many hormones are in play to enable the changes that are happening in your body. Although much change takes during puberty the body can still increase height for some years after this period.

The normal person can grow an average of two to four inches after puberty has passed. Body weight can increase also as you grow taller. This happens because some parts of your body can be stretched so as to assist you in increasing your height in a natural way. These areas are places such as the spinal disc and the regions of the lower back.

It has been said that the spinal column is vital in helping to determine your height. The suggestion is that it is responsible for 35% of the body's total height. Your spinal column is made up of a set of smaller bones called vertebrae which is in turn called the spine. The body has thirty- three vertebrae. They move freely and are not joined together. Although they are kept in place by ligaments and some tough tissues they can still move freely.

If you want to know how to gain height after puberty then let us look at how this can be achieved. You can increase your height by doing any of the following.


This is an exercise that is intended to allow your spine to get longer. This exercise will help in increasing the level of the flow of blood in the vertebrae thereby increasing it both in content and flexibility. If you can stretch these discs then you will certainly gain extra inches in your height. The opposite can also occur. If exercise is lacking these discs can lose their elasticity, become stiff and result in reduced flexibility and this can cause the spine to shorten.

Exercise routine

This is training that will allow your body to gain height. Choosing the right grow taller routine is a must. This has to be planned carefully before it is put into practice, since the routine is designed to help you to gain height and you can suffer from pain and injuries if the exercise is too exhausting or if they are not enough.

Careful planning of your exercise routine is important if you do not want to have any regrets. A natural way of gain extra height is through exercise. It is the safest way as there are no negative side effects and this is safer than surgery.

It is still possible to gain extra height even after puberty. You don't have to stick with the present height you have. Growing taller is possible and safe when it is done naturally.

There! Go ahead and make your plans carefully on how to get taller after puberty. Find here to know exactly how to grow tall 2-4 inches in 8 weeks.

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